Dept. Of Management

Dept. Of Management / Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

  • Human Resource Management

  • Human Resource Management

  • Human Resource Management

  • Human Resource Management

  • Human Resource Management

  • Human Resource Management

  • Human Resource Management

Total Seats 60

MBA HRM or MBA in HR Management caters for those wanting to develop a management career in HR and strategy, the internationalization process and the shifting HRM agenda. This includes diversity, mergers and acquisitions, rapidly developing labor markets and emerging economics and international leadership. This is complimented by a 'Managing a Diverse Work Force' module.

You will experience a challenging and stimulating intensive course in management, with an HRM perspective, to enhance your personal and career development. To facilitate this you will use, share and reflect upon your experiences alongside those of your Learning Team. You will be allocated to your small multicultural 'Learning Team' during induction. A few Learning Teams are combined to form tutorial groups, with each having their own personal tutor.