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   Rgi Press Release

Subject Name : Campus Placement By ALPHA PHARMA

Posted By :PATRIKA

                PATRIKA - 27/06/2010                

Mr.Prakash Patil
Media Relation officer
Radharaman Group of institutes Bhopal
Email : rgipro79@gmail.com



  भगवान जगन्नाथ की रथ यात्रा: भक्ति और उत्साह का अद्भुत संगम! जय जगन्नाथ!
  राधारमण ग्रुप के छात्रों के लिए आयोजित प्लेसमेंट स्किल डेवलपमेंट कार्यक्रम
  राधारमण में पांच दिवसीय प्रोग्रामिंग प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम संपन्न
  राधारमण ग्रुप में विद्यार्थियों ने दिखाई क्रिएटिविटी
  राधारमण ओपन कैम्‍पस में 38 विद्यार्थी विंड वर्ल्‍ड में चयनित भोपाल ।
  राधारमण ग्रुप में 15 से 20 अप्रैल तक अनलीशिंग द पॉवर ऑफ पायथन प्रोग्रामिंग विषय पर ट्रेनिंग कार्यक्रम
  राधारमण विद्यार्थियों ने जीते निबंध प्रतियोगिता में पुरुस्कार भोपाल
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद मेडिकल कॉलेज रिसर्च हॉस्पिटल में कैडवेरिक ओथ सम्पन्न
  राधारमण पूल कैंपस के 8 विद्यार्थी ट्यूलिप टेक्नोलॉजीज में सेलेक्ट
  राधारमण पूल कैंपस में 18 विद्यार्थी चयनित
  भोपाल राधारमण ओपन कैंपस में 46 विद्यार्थी सेलेक्ट
  राधारमण समूह ने किया अपने कर्मचारियों को सम्मानित भोपाल
  vihan2024 @press coverage-7
  vihan2024 @press coverage-6
  Sports press coverage @ Vihan -5
  Press coverage @ #vihan_sports-4
  राधारमण ग्रुप भोपाल के वार्षिकोत्सव विहान 2024 का चौथा दिन: टेबल टेनिस, कबड्डी और बैडमिंटन के हुए रोचक मुकाबले
  Press coverage @ #vihan_sports-3
  Press coverage @ #Vihan_Sports -2
  Press coverage @ #Vihan_Sports
  भोपाल। आई टी पेशेवरों और विद्यार्थियों को ए आई से डरने की जरुरत नहीं है।
  आरजीपीवी द्वारा घोषित बीई पांचवें सेमेस्‍टर के परीक्षा परिणामों में राधारमण समूह के कॉलेजों - राधारमण इन्‍स्‍टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्‍नोलॉजी एंड साइंस व राधारमण इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज- के विद्यार्थिय
  राधारमण ग्रुप के विद्यार्थियों ने शानदार परीक्षा परिणाम हासिल किए
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद मेडिकल कॉलेज में ग्राहक प्रबोधन कार्यक्रम
  राधारमण इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ टेक्नोलॉजी एंड साइंस में आज कम्प्यूटेशनल फ्लूइड डायनेमिक्स (सीएफडी) विषय पर एक दिवसीय सेमिनार आयोजित किया गया
  अपने शानदार परीक्षा परिणाम और बेहतर प्लेसमेंट के लिए मध्य भारत में विख्यात राधारमण समूह के विद्यार्थियों ने एकबार पुनः आरजीपीवी द्वारा बी टेक सातवें सेमेस्टर के परिणामों में शानदार प्रदर
  राधारमण ग्रुप के नर्सिंग छात्रों ने निकाली कैंसर जागरूकता रैली
  राधारमण ग्रुप ऑफ इंस्टीट्यूट के परिसर में क्लाउड कंप्यूटिंग विषय पर एक दिवसीय सेमिनार का आयोजन किया गया.
  राष्ट्रीय युवा दिवस पर राधारमण समूह व भारतीय रेडक्रास सोसायटी जिला शाखा भोपाल द्वारा राधारमण आयुर्वेदिक मेडिकल रिसर्च हाॅस्पिटल परिसर में एक दिवसीय रक्तदान शिविर का आयोजन किया गया।
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद मेडिकल कॉलेज एवं रिसर्च हॉस्पिटल भोपाल के प्रथम वर्ष के विद्यार्थियों के विद्यार्थियों को आयुर्वेद पाठ्यक्रम से अवगत कराने के उद्देश्‍य से ट्रांज़िशनल करिकुलम कार्यक्र
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद मेडिकल कॉलेज एवं रिसर्च हॉस्पिटल भोपाल के प्रथम वर्ष के विद्यार्थियों के विद्यार्थियों को आयुर्वेद पाठ्यक्रम से अवगत कराने के उद्देश्‍य से ट्रांज़िशनल करिकुलम कार्यक्र
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद कॉलेज में दीक्षारम्भ कार्यक्रम का आयोजन
  राधारमण में दिवाली उत्सव फेस्टिवल फ़िज़ 2023 आयोजित
  राधारमण विद्यार्थियों ने किया पावर ट्रांसमिशन सब स्टेशन का औद्योगिक भ्रमण
  Engineers Day Celebration at Radharaman Group of Institutes
  राधारमण छात्रों ने की नेटलिंक सॉफ्टवेयर की इंडस्ट्रियल विजिट भोपाल
  राधारमण में एनवायरनमेंट पर यूथ एन्गेजमेन्ट सेमिनार भोपाल
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद कॉलेज में मना अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस, विधार्थियों को मिलीं योग पुस्तिका
  राधारमण विद्यार्थी एम्स, भोपाल योग वर्कशॉप में सम्मिलित हुए भोपाल
  राधारमण विद्यार्थियों ने सीखे पर्सनालिटी डेवलपमेंट के गुर भोपाल
  राधारमण में पर्सनालिटी डेवलपमेंट एण्ड इट्स इम्पोर्टेंस इन फार्मास्यूटिकल वर्ल्ड विषय पर सेमीनार
  राधारमण में आर्टिफिशल इंटेलिजेंस पर नेशनल सेमिनार आयोजित
  Excellent Performance in RGPV 8th Semester Result by Radharaman Students.
  Mission Life Seminar in Radharaman group of institutes,bhopal
  इसरो का स्पेस ऑन व्हील्स पहुंचा राधारमण
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद मेडिकल कॉलेज रिसर्च हॉस्पिटल द्वारा शिविर का आयोजन
  राधारमण में मध्य प्रदेश के राज्यपाल ने छात्र एवं शिक्षकों को किया सम्मानित
  राधारमण ग्रुप में बॉलीवुड सिंगर तरन्नुम के लाइव परफॉरमेंस पर झूमे दर्शक
  राधारमण टेक्नो-कल्चरल फेस्ट विहान राधारमण के विहान में हुआ सिंगिंग और फैशन शो
  23-03-2023 : राधारमण में विहान का डांस से आगाज विहान 2023 में आज से रंगारंग सांस्कृतिक गतिविधियाँ आरम्भ-2
  23-03-2023 : राधारमण में विहान का डांस से आगाज विहान 2023 में आज से रंगारंग सांस्कृतिक गतिविधियाँ आरम्भ
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद मेडिकल कॉलेज रिसर्च हॉस्पिटल में आज आयुर्वेद के बैचलर ऑफ आयुर्वेद मेडिसिन एंड सर्जरी पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेशित प्रथम वर्ष के विद्यार्थियों के लिए ओरिएंटेशन कार्यक्रम आय
  राधारमण में प्री होली सेलिब्रेशन
  राधारमण ग्रुप में पाइथन ट्रेनिंग संपन्न, प्रतिभागियों को मिले सर्टिफिकेट
  मध्य प्रदेश टेक्निकल यूनिवर्सिटी आरजीपीवी की टीम में राधारमन ग्रुप आफ इंस्टीट्यूट के तीन खिलाड़ियों का चयन हुआ
  आर जी पी वी परीक्षा परिणामों में राधारमण विद्यार्थियों ने लहराया परचम
  आरजीपीवी -राधारमण राज्य स्तरीय क्रिकेट : भोपाल ने पुनः चैंपियनशिप अपने नाम की
  राधारमण राज्यस्तरीय क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट : रीवा और जबलपुर ने जीते अपने अपने मैच
  राधारमण राज्यस्तरीय क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट आरम्भ 13 रनों से जीत के साथ ग्वालियर का विजयी आगाज़
  नि:शुल्क उपचार शिविर
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद मेडिकल कॉलेज में हुआ फ्रोजेन शोल्डर का सफल इलाज
  राधारमण बनी नोडल क्रिकेट चैम्पियन राधारमण ने 64 रन से जीत दर्ज की मैन ऑफ द मैच दोहरे प्रदर्शन के लिए राधारमण के अंकित गिरी को दिया
  राधारमण-आरजीपीवी नोडल क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट राधारमण ,एसआईआरटी के बीच होगा फाइनल मुकाबला
  राधारमण-आरजीपीवी नोडल क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट एसआईआरटी ने किया सेमीफाइनल में प्रवेश
  राधारमण-आरजीपीवी नोडल क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट
  मध्य प्रदेश के प्रमुख अखबारों द्वारा राधारमण आरजीपीवी नोडल क्रिकेट टूर्नामेंट 2022 का प्रेस कवरेज
  Nodal Cricket tournament press coverage
  राधारमण विद्यार्थियों ने किया अरेरा हिल्स स्थित नगर निगम के वाटर ट्रीटमेंट प्लांट का भ्रमण
  राधारमण आयुर्वेदिक कॉलेज एंड रिसर्च हॉस्पिटल के अनुभवी डॉक्टरों ने किया छात्रों का निशुल्क स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण
  राधारमण में मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग पर शार्ट टर्म ट्रेनिंग कार्यक्रम आयोजित
  राधारमण आयुर्वेद कॉलेज एंड रिसर्च हॉस्पिटल के डॉ. प्रमेन्द्र रघुवंशी को मिला धन्वन्तरी सम्मान
  Short term Students web training program at Radharaman
  Blood Donation Camp will be organized by Radharaman Group of Institutes,bhopal
  Free Medical Camp organised by Radharaman Ayurveda medical college and research hospital with the help of Chitragupta Society at Jawarchouk Chitragupta Bhavan,Bhopal
  33 Candidates selected in Telbrose
  International Yoga Day celebrated in Radharaman,Bhopal
  In the year 2022 in IT sector there is 3 lack new employment would be generated
  Dr.Sarkar Give tips to achieve career and personal goals in Radharaman.
  Plantation programme organized at radharaman on Earth Day.
  Radharaman Students did industrial tour of CIPET
  Pharma fest 2022 organized at Radharaman
  22 students selected in Radharaan Open Camps
  Management Guru Dr. Vivek Bindra teaches management mantra at Radharaman
  22 students selected in Radharaan Open Camps
  Radharaman RGPV state lavel cricket tournament-Rewa defeat indore on 22 runs
  Yuva Utsav at Radharaman
  डीआईजी इरशाद वली हुए राधारमण विद्यार्थियों से रूबरू दिये पढ़ाई-लिखाई और जीवन में सफल होने के गुरूमंत्र
  Remote Sensing and GIS Maping Webinar organized at Radharaman
  15 Days Computer Programing Training organized in Radharaman Bhopal.
  Electric and Hybrid vehicles training program organized by Radharaman
  Online workshop on Good Laboratory Practices organized in Radharaman
  Brilliant performance of Radharaman students in B.Tech first semester
  Increasing employment opportunities for pharmacy students
  Radharaman honored his teachers and other employees for excellent work
  Dual Performance by Deepak in 26th IEES University Digiyana Inter Press Cricket Tournament
  Lecture on the life of Swami Vivekananda in Radharaman
  National Webinar in Drug Delivery System organized at Radharaman, Bhopal
  Vaccination Camp Organized at Radharaman , Bhpal
  Raharaman Group has been got two reputed award
  Entrepreneurship awareness camp organized at radharamanbhopal.Bhopal
  Webinar by Britain data scientists at Radharaman, Bhopal
  Radharaman Group of Institutes Remains number one during Covid 19
  Excellent Result Perform in Pharmacy by Radharaman Students,Bhopal
  innovation - Hand wash system made by Radharaman Students,Bhopal
  Engg. Sanjeev Saxena Initiates #BookReadingChallenge
  Miss n Mister Western award winner Usma and Gaurav in Techno Cultural Fest -VIHAN- at radharaman,Bhopal
  Radharaman Studens showing their performance in Fashion Show in Techno Cultural Fest -VIHAN- at radharaman,Bhopal
  Techno Cultural Fest -VIHAN- at radharaman,Bhopal Part-2
  Punjabi Singer SHAHID performances at Techno Cultural Fest -VIHAN- radharaman,Bhopal
  Techno Cultural Fest -VIHAN- at radharaman,Bhopal
  6 students of Radharaman qualified in GPAT
  Excellent Result Perform by Radharaman Students
  3 Days Cyber Security Workshop held at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Excellent result by Pharmacy at Radharaman
  20 Final Cars will be selected on Indian Karting Race 2020
  24 Cars going to next level after dynamic round on Indian Karting Race 2020
  Karting Race Cars going to second round after technical examination.
  Indian karting Race 2020 will be starting at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Faculty Development Programme will be organized at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Radharaman gets most Preferred Institute in MP
  Three students of Radharaman got selected in VIT Infotech
  Constitution Day Celabrated In Radharaman Group
  Radharaman Ayurvedic College organizes Eye Check Up Camp
  Diabities checkup camp is organised in Radharaman
  National Ayurveda Day was celebrated in Radharaman Ayurveda College
  Health checkup camp for villgers
  5 Days 4G training program begins in Radharaman
  5 Days 4G training program is being held in Radharaman
  Radharaman Group Faculty felicitated in International Conference
  Plastic Mukti Abhiyan in Radharaman
  Faculty Development Program In Radharaman
  World Pharmacy Day Celebrated in RGI
  Faculty Development Program In Radharaman
  Blood Donation Camp in Radharaman
  Faculty Development Program In Radharaman
  Radharaman gets most Preferred Institute in MP
  National Ayurveda Day celebrated in Radharaman College
  Health checkup camp for villgers
  Faculty Development Program In Radharaman
  राधारमण समूह के 10 छात्र जारो एजुकेशन में शॉर्टलिस्टेड
  राधारमण विद्यार्थी को एनपीटीएल में मिला गोल्ड
  राधारमण ने किया एमएसएमई से करार
  राधारमण के विद्यार्थी श्वेतांक यूनाईटेड नेशन्स में करेंगे भारत का प्रतिनिधित्व
  Radharmans Utkarsh Raj appointed in Jordan on 14 lakh package
  Radharaman signed with MSME
  Radharaman Student MUKESH KUMAN has been gotten Excellent Jog in USA
  Female security and gender-equality seminar held in radharaman college
  5 Students Selected in Q-LIFE Health Care at Radharaman Pharmacy Campus Drive
  Seminar on sexual harassment held in Radharaman College
  Faculty Development Program In Radharaman
  Excellent Result of Pharmacy Students of Radharaman Group
  Radharaman Group Awarded with Excellence ,Award in Technicale Education
  Excellent Result of Radharaman in RGPV 8th Sem
  42 Students of Radharaman Selected in Mega Campus
  4 Students of Radharaman were selected in open campus
  24 students selected at Radharaman Open Campus in Faurecia
  Site Visit by the Civil Engineering Students of RITS
  Radharaman becomes third best Engineering Institute in Bhopal
  Mega Open Campus in Radharaman
  Tenneco India selected 32 Students of Radharaman in Open Campus
  Winners of State Level Dance Competition Awarded
  Radharaman Students visit Construction site of PM Housing scheme.
  20 Stuents of radharaman placed in QH TOLBROS LTD
  Radharaman Student Avinash & Tripti Honored
  46 Students of radharaman group selected for tradeindia research
  Radharaman Students Learning to make Android App
  Radharraman Studens on Industrial Tour at Central Institute of Agriculture Engg.
  Radharaman Faculty members learn the Business Developments Stapes with MPCON
  Entrepreneurship workshop organized by Radharaman faculty members
  Bollywood Dance & songs competition held at Radharaman state Laval annual function VIHAAN 2019.
  Bollywood Singer DEEPAK THAKUR has been performed at Radharaman Annual Function VIHAAN 2019.
  State Laval Radharaman Annual Fest VIHAAN 2019 has been inaugurated.
  Radharaman Vihaan Sports Meet started on 27th Feb
  Famous Katthak Dancer Vishal Krishna Performed at Radharaman,Bhopal
  One Day Pharmacy Subject Seminaar held at Radharaman Group,Bhopal
  Radharaman Student Karuna Mudgal has been awarded Silver medal by RGPV,Bhopal
  Radharaman Student Selected in G-PAT
  End of Technology Training Week at Radharaman Group
  Radharaman Group celebrated Road Saftey Week
  Pharma Fest held at Radharaman Group
  Radharaman Ayurveda College organised Health Chackup Camp
  An Expert Lecture on Teaching Methodology in RGI
  A workshop on Enterprunership organised in RGI
  Two Students of RGI Selected in VIT Infotech
  Visit of RGI Students to MSME
  Research Parers Submitted by Dr Vishal Gupta of RGI
  16 Students of Radharaman Selected in Open Campus
  12 Students of Radharaman Selected in Open Campus
  Industial Visit by RGI Students
  Fuss created by students in IES College
  Seminar on Technical Education
  RGI Students made a Educational Visit
  RGI students learned Self Defence
  Book Reading done by RGI Students
  MOU Signed Between RGI Group and Cyber Infrastructure
  RGI Visited Bhopal Smart City Office
  World Pharmacy Day Celebrated in RGI
  Guest Lecture on Rural Road Development in RGI
  RGI Students Tips on Interview Skills
  RGI Students made a Educational Visit
  Visit of RGi Students to Habibganj Railway Station
  Industrial Visit of Radharaman Students
  Motivational Seminar in RGi
  Some New Professinal Courses in RGI
  Seminar on Social Safety in RGI
  Folk Dance and Music in RGi
  Excellent Result of Radharaman in RGPV 4th Sem
  Seminar on Heart Dideases
  17 Students of RGI are Shortlisted in AKM Wealth Management Pvt. Lmt.
  Best Result of BE 2nd Sem
  Director Of RGI Group Dr.Omre read his Research Papers
  Best Result of BE 6th Sem
  7 students were selected in open campus organised by ITL industries in RGI
  23 students were shortlisted in open campus of Teleshiya in RGI
  RGI 8th Sem students passed with flying colours
  Open Campus of Sujlan in RGi
  Students of RGi Selected in Diamond Compnay
  Open Campus of some renowned companies in RGI
  15 Students of RGI were awarded by Chancellor Scholarship
  Industrial Workshop is organised in RGI
  Photography Workshop is organised in RGI
  Seminar on Enterprunership in present time
  Seminar on Healthy Lifestyle organised in RGI group
  Closing Ceremony of Annual Fest VIHAN
  A special seminar was organised on Google crowdsourcing in RGI
  Fashion Show in VIHAN-2018
  Colorful dance competition was organized in VIHAN
  The RGI Night Riders Girls team won championship
  Singning Competition in Annual Meet of Radharaman
  Opening Ceremony of Radharaman Annual Fest VIHAN
  VIHAN Fest starting from 22nd Mar
  MANIT Wins the Case Study Competition
  Annoncement of Case Study Winners on 12th
  Radharaman Students Visited CRISP
   Isha and Shambhavi were awarded by Chancellor Scholarships
  A seminsr organised on drug delivery system in Radharaman
  Scientist Dr. Parijat Kanaujia will address students in Radharaman
  Radharaman students has done educational tours
  Seminar on Interview Skills in Radharaman
  Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp is conducted in Radharaman
   Bhima Palasi of Saskia Rao de Haas took inspiration in Radharaman
  Performance of Saskia Rao-De Haas
  Celebration of Prakash Parv at Radharaman
  Industrial Visit to Cromptton Greaves by Radharaman students
  A visit of Radharaman students to Housing Board Project
  A Special Lecture on Civil Engineering in Radharaman
  Seminar on Web Privacy in Radharaman
  Hemant and Shiv shines , BHEL wins
  Excellent Result of Radharaman in RGPV 7th Sem
  Radharaman Students made Newyear Calender
  Bhopal Nodal Team Wins the Cricket Tournament
  Bhopal and Indore reaches in Final
  Jabalpur and Indore in Semifinal
  First Semifinal between Bhopal and Gwalior
  Gwalior wins first match in State Level Cricket Tournament
  State Level Cricket Tournament at RGI from 1st Jan 2018
  Mohit wins National Maths Award
  Visit of Diploma Students , Mechanical Branch to HEG
  A Technical Address for the students of RGI
  Nodal Cricket Tournament
  Radharaman become Nodal Kabaddi Champion
  Nodal Cricket Tournament
  Nodal Cricket Tournament
  Nodal Cricket Tournament
  State Level Women Cricket Tournament
  Nodal Cricket Tournament
  Nodal Cricket Tournament
  Nodal Cricket Tournament
  Enterpurenship Workshop
  Nodal Cricket Tournament
  Zestful Langa Magnihar Performance at RGI GROUP
  Zestful Langa Magnihar Performance at RGI GROUP
  Alsaba Rizvi Gave Success Tips
  Self Defence Workshop In Radharaman
  National Go-Kart Championship 2017
  National Go-Kart Championship 2017
  Students Of Rgi Took Pledge To Save Rivers
  Spellbound Performance Of Renowned Santoor Player Shruti Adhikari
  RGI Students Shines In BE Fourth Semester Result
  Seminar Conducted on Women And Child Abusement
  RGI Students Selected In Irawati Construction
  Target Of Corporate Social Responsbility
  Seminar Organised On Corporate Social Responsibility in RGI
  Four Students Of Rgi Selected In SMT Softwares
  Excellent Result Of BE Sixth Semester Students
  Selection Of 62 Students In Mundra Power In Open Campus
  RGI BE Eight Semester Students Topped In Exams
  Open Campus Drive Of Dexwork Labs
  RGi Got Responsibility Of Pradhanmantri Skill Development
  Yoga Divas Celebrated In RGI
  Placement Of RGI Diploma Students
  RGI Students Were Awarded By M.P. Government
  RGi Five Students Selected In Just Dial
  RGI 44 Students Selected In Open Campus
  RGI BE Third Semester Students Topped In Exams
  RGI Inter State Dance Competition
  RGI Students Selected In Money Capital Heights
  RGI Students Industry Visit
  RGI Students Visit To Riddhi Siddhi Industry
  Radharaman group signs mou on enterpreneurship
  Solar Energy Workshop organized by ITLI Org at Radharaman
  Excellent Result by Radharamn students in RGPV BE 1st sem Examination
  Recycle Waste & Reduce Pollution
  Excellent Result by BPHARMA FiRST SEM Radharamn students
  Best Story Telling Award Received by Aman Kumar student of Radharaman
  6 Student of Radharaman Shortlisted in ITECH SOFTWARE
  ALUMNI MEET held at Radharaman
  Radharaman Student Rajesh Clinches Gold Medal in chess Boxing
  Radharaman Students shine at National level Intra Golf Cart Championship
  Radharaman Hosts Fashion Show during the state level fest-Vihan2017
  BIG BOSS FAME MONALISA Steals the thunder of Vihan 2017
  Excellent dance performance in contemporary & western at curtural fiesta VIHAN2017 at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Annual Sports Fest of Radharaman Group-VIHAN 2017 will begain at Ratibad
  17 radharaman Students selected in open campus drive by Anand Group of Companies
  6 Student of Radharaman Selected in open campus drive
  Excellent Result by Radharamn students in RGPV BE 7th sem Examination
  Japanies company palceing radharaman students
  98 Students Shortlisted in Open Campus Drive at Radharaman
  24 Students selected in VIT INFOTECH at Radharaman
  Open campus drive by VIT INFOTECH at Radharaman
  15 Students Selected in BoxGaner in Open Campus Drive at Radharaman
  10 Students Selected in Trade India Research in Open Campus Drive at Radharaman
  10 Students Selected in Teneco Automotive in Open Campus Drive at Radharaman
  Seminar on Cyber Security at Radharaman
  Swacch Bharat Abhiyan running by Radharaman Students
  Seminar on Lika Total Station at Radharaman Bhopal
  Radharaman Group Campus Hosts Food Fest
  Radharaman College Students visit United Engineering Pvt Ltd
  Radharaman Students Participate Success in your hand program at Radharaman
  Hindustan Times holds quiz for school kids in city
  Radharaman Student Awarded in National Scientific Symposium
  Seminar on Personality Development by Mr. Vishal Dixit
  Seminar on Happiness to Success by Dr. Ruma Bhattacharya
  Radharaman Student Clear BHU s Test
  Radharaman College Students visit United Engineering Pvt Ltd
  Radharaman Student made Solar Dryer
  Cleanliness Drive at RGI
  Mera Safar Ab Tak-Sushil Agrawal-Busineeman & Social Worker
  Excellent Result by Radharamn students in RGPV BE 4th sem Examination
  Personality development programme at RGI for Students
  Mera Safar Ab Tak-Test of india owner Mr Pradeep-Smart Work is important
  Mera Safar Ab Tak-Vishal talks of his fighting spirit
  Mera Safar Ab Tak-Rodney Fernandiz Interacts with Students
  Mera Safar Ab Tak-Activist Ajay Dubey Interacts with Students
  Engineers Day-Jack of all and mastering one
  Japanese Solar Power Experts at Radharaman Group
  RGI Orients itS Engineering,Diploma Freshers
  6 RGI Students Selected by Ultron Pharma in campus drive
  Plant at least one tree on your birthday
  32 Students of RGI selected in TENECO at campus drive
  Faculty Members of RGI present paper in Intl seminar
  Personality development programme at RGI
  Nancy Verma Father felciitated by Radharaman Group
  6 RGI Students Selected by Apricot Soft Lab in campus drive
  ISIE organize CAR Making Workshop at Radharaman
  15 Students of Radhararaman placed in Trade India
  Hinduja Global Services Recruits 21 Radharaman Group Students
  Excellent Result by Radharamn students in RGPV Final Year Examinationa
  RGI Student develops Unique Reminder App
  21 Students of Radharaman slelected in open campus drive
  Aarzu of Diya aur Baati Hum Gives Career tips at Radharaman
  RGI Students selected in Genpect
  Radharaman Faculty get special Training by Govt of india
  Execllent performance by Radharaman Pharmacy Students
  Excellent Result by Radharamn students in RGPV BE 1st sem Examination
  Radharaman organzed Inter State Dance Compitition
  Radharaman Students learn about manufacture of medicines
  Computer Science Students of Radharaman Engineering College Bid Adieu to seniors
  Six students of RGI Shortlisted in Open Campus Drive by Grademanner
  Seminar on Startup & Innovations in Civil Engineering at Radharaman
  Industrial Visit of Radharaman Students at Mandideep
  Radharaman Students visit Industrial Plant
  Excellent Result by Radharamn students in RGPV 3rd sem Examinationa
  Radharaman College Student gets PH.D. Chamber of commerce award
  STAAD PRO Training program at RGI
  Pharmafest-2016 concludes in RGI
  Water causing war between countries
  Radharaman Students Shine in Semester Exams
  Seminar on High Rise Buildings at RGI Concluds
  Radharaman Teachers honored with Srijan Excellent Teachers Award
  Chancellor Scholarship for Radharaman Group Students
  Radharaman Solar car gets ISIE FUTURE AWARD
  Hindustan university chhannai wins ESVC 2016 Championship
  Finale of Electric solar vehicle Championship 2016 kicks of Today
  Solar Electric car race - 36 teams qualified for dynamic round
  Electric solar vehicle Championship 2016-Technical Inspection on Second day
  Electric solar vehicle Championship 2016 begins
  Electric solar vehicle Championship begins on friday
  MP first electric solar vehicle championship to be held in Radharaman, bhopal
  Students of Radharaman visits Hindustan Electro Graphite
  28 Students selected in campus interview at RGI
  Expert Lecture on power system at RGI
  Fashion Show Rocks at Radharaman VIHAN 2016
  Res. MP,Singer & Actor Manoj Tiwari at Radharaman VIHAN 2016
  elightful bharatnatyam performance by Tanya Saxena university of queensland
  Radharaman Annual Meet VIHAN starts amidst celebration.
  Workshop on career opportunity at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Science Model awarded on Students of radharaman.
  Indian neavy awareness talk organized at radharaman.bhopal
  Power Girl Develops low-cast Hydro Plant
  Workshop on industrial computer software at Radharaman
  Radharaman Studets visit under constructed Sachivalaya Building
  Seminar on Fuzzy Logic in civil Engg.held at REC
  Radharaman Students on technical visit at indian Railway
  Alumni Meet Organized at RGI
  RGI Faculties learned the art of writing
  Faculty Development Programme held at RGI
  RGI Alumni Meet at Jan.24,2016
  Faculty of RGI honoured PH.D.
  10 students of Radharaman selected in Trifid Research open campus drive
  seminar on civil engg. career opportunities at Radharaman
  Radharaman MBA Students show their selling skills at Food Fest
  Seminar on super conditioning at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Pool Campus at RGI,8 students Selected
  Workshop on Technical Coding at Radharaman,bhopal
  18 Students from Radharaman selected on Alchem Pool Campus
  Radharaman and RGTU finalist team of Radharaman Nodel Cricket Tournament
  Radharaman won by 117 runs at Radharaman Nodel Cricket Tournament
  Radharaman and patel college win at Radharaman Nodel Cricket Tournament
  RGTU won in super over at Radharaman Nodel Cricket Tournament
  One sided win by Radharaman at Radharaman Nodel Cricket Tournament
  Millennium and Laxmipati College in next level on Radharaman Nodel Cricket Tournament
  RGTU and Patel College in next level on Radharaman Nodel Cricket Tournament
  Oriental and IEES college in Next level on Radharaman Nodel Cricket Tournament
  One sided win by LNCT at Radharaman Nodel Crirket Tournment
  Workshop on Education Latest Trends at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Nodel Cricket at Radharaman from November 19th 2015
  Radharaman Group of institutes celebrated Dipawali with destitute children
  Seminar held on Alize Software Development Methodology at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Seminar held on Startup entrepreneur at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Seminar on Talent & career management by S.D.Singh From Radharaman,Bhopal
  3 students selected in xorient solutons ltd.
  farewell party for MBA Students organized at Radharaman Group of Institutes,bhopal
  Excellent Result by Radharamn in RGPV Examinationa
  2 days workshop organised for Metlab at Radharaman,bhopal
  Radharamans 22 Students Shortlisted in Netlink
  Industrial Visit by Radharamans ME Students at Satpura Thermal Power Station,Sarni
  Research Paper Presented by Dr Monika at Sweden
  Orientation Program organized at Radharaman,Bhopal for 1st year students
  Dr.Papia Bigonia Principal PCP awarded by IASR Americal international agency for standard and rating
  Industrial Visit by Radharamans ME Students at Satpura Thermal Power Station,Sarni
  customer awareness program by Vijay Saxena at Radharaman,bhopal
  Orientation Program organized at Radharaman,Bhopal for 1st year students
  Improved water use efficiency in irrigation role of water user associations research paper submitted by radharamn
  12 Students Selected in Open Campus Drive at Radharaman
  A symposium for social issues and medical issues organized at Radharaman
  A symposium for social issues organized at Radharaman
  flag hoisting on independence day at Rdharaman,Bhopal
  Jr Scientist mohit Joins Radharaman,Bhopal for his bright career
  6 Students Selected in Squire Yards at Radharaman,Bhopal
  A Grand Welcome to BE and Pharma students new batch on Friday at Radharaman bhopal
  31 students selected in Close campus drive GplusH Liz India Pv.Ltd. at Radharaman,Bhopal
   8 Students selected in IWS INDIA at Radharaman group of institutes,Bhopal
  Brave boy honored by Radharaman Group of Institutes,Bhopal
  23 students selected in pool campus drive in HCL COMNET at Radharaman
  6 students selected in pool campus drive in Diffusion Engineers Ltd. at Radharaman
  15 Students Selected in HITACHI OPEN CAMPUS DRIVE at Radharaman.
  5 Students selected in DABAR HEALTH CARE at Radharaman
  6 students selected in OM METALS campus drive at Radharaman
  Excellent Result in BE 8th Semester Examination by Radharaman Students
  48 Students shortlisted in open campus at Radharaman
  276 Students selected in MEGA JOB FAIR at Radharaman
  Radharaman Inter State Dance Competition
  76 Students selected in MEGA JOB FAIR at Radharaman
  Radharaman students organized a program for WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY at boat club Bhopal
  Radharaman holds Awareness programme on environment
  Mega Campus Drive Week at Radharaman
  5 Students Selected in Videocon from Radharaman
  An Emotional adieu for BE final year batch at Radharaman
  43 Students selected in pool campus drive by HCL TECHNOLOGIES at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Girls Beat Boys in Radharaman group BE 5th Semester Examination.
  RIRT students apply for inventions patent
  Excellent Result in BE 5th Semester Examination by Radharaman Students
  Radharaman College Students visit Crompton Greaves Plant
   5 students of Radharamans selected in HCL
  Seminar held on Traffice rules & Regulations at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Industrial Visit by Radharamans ME Students
  17 students shortlisted in IWS INDIA close campus drive
  Danish Hasan student of Radharaman has got 1st Position in BE 1st Year Examination
  Excellent Result in BE 1st Year Examination by Radharaman Students
  23 students shortlisted in Unikaihatsu Software Pvt. Ltd. at Radharaman,Bhopal
  Motivational speech by Saloni Malhotra Founder of DesiCrew Solutions.
  Desicrue Founder Saloni Malhotra comming on 9th April 2015 at Radharaman Bhopal
  Entrepreneurship awareness camp held at Radharaman
  6 students selected in pool campus drive in Diffusion Engineers Ltd. at Radharaman
  Entrepreneurship awareness camp held at Radharaman
  15 students shortlisted in open campus drive by Angel Broking
  Opportunities in Indian navy
  13 Students shortlisted in an open campus drive by Money Capital at Radharaman
  20 Students shortlisted in TATA AIG at Radharaman Campus Drive
  Students of Radharaman get 15 days Training at NIAW Faridabad
  Dr.J.L.Rana Group Director RGI has shared his success story
  RCP Principal Dr. P.Bigonia has received 1st Prize in the field of cancer at EYEFEST2015 at MANIT
  Radharamans 500 Students participated in National Techno Fair SAVISHKAR at MANIT,BHOPAL
  Vihan-2015 A Colourful Fashion show Tales of a Radharaman Campus
  A Cultural Fest VIHAN-2015 at Radharaman. Day 2
  The Sate Level Cultural Fest VIHAN-2015 Commence at Radharaman
  National Seminar on Rediation Effects at Radharaman Bhopal
  Seminar on Rediation Effects at Radharaman Bhopal
  Campus drive at Radharaman group of institutes by NOUVEAU MEDICAMENT
  In KARVAN-2015 Students has performed in Fashion show and new and old songs at Radharaman
  In KARVAN-2015 Students has performed in new and old songs at Radharaman
   Annual Function KARVAN-2015 organized at Radharaman MBA
  HCL COMNET shortlists 84 Students in open campus at Radharaman College
  MSME Management Committee meeting at Radharaman
  20 Students shortlisted in Electrification Corporation campus drive
  Canara Bank Installed an ATM at Radharaman
  20 Students shortlisted in TeamLease Open campus Drive at Radharaman
  Radharaman 5 Students Selected in Chain Sys Corporation
  HCL shortlists 84 Students in open campus at Radharaman College
  Trified Research organized an open campus drive at Radharaman Group
  50 Radharaman Students shortlisted in Chain Sys Corporation
  Excellent Result of Radharaman group Students
  Radharaman Students Shine in BE 4th Semester
  Radharaman Organises Close Campus of G+H Liz Indian Pvt.Ltd.
  Maicrosoft Telent Webinar organized at Radharaman
  Navy Campus at Radharaman
  Training by traffic police at Radharaman
  Bloomburg apptitud test at radharaman
  Excellent Result in BE 6th Sem. by Radharaman Group of institutes students
  Freshers Party at Radharaman Engineering College
  Plantation at Radharaman Institutes,Bhopal
  Awards Chancellors Scholarships
  MOU betweet Radharaman group of institutes & Canera Bank
  14 Stddents of radharaman selected in PERSISTENT
  Radharaman 5 Students selected in Global Automec
  90 Mechanical Students Shortlisted in VE Commercial Vehicle in Radharraman Open Campus Drive
  Seminar on M-Commerce at Radharaman Group of Institutes
  RGI Students Shortlisted in HCL Campus
  42 RGI students selected in CPM,Interglobe & The PHONE SUPPORT
  11 RGI Students Shortlisted by CPM INDIA in campus drive
  97.8% Rerult of Radharaman Group of Institutes,Bhopal
  Excellent Result - 97.8% By Radharaman Group Students
  Campus Recruitment at Radharaman, 5 Students Shortlisted in Interglobe technology
  Radharaman interstate dance competition 2014
  Radharamans 18 Students selected in Consultadd
  Radharaman Group of Institutions students Shine Again,Score high in III Semester
  Offer letter distribution ceremony at Radharaman Group
  Radharamans 65 Students Shortlisted in SYNTEL
  Radharamans 8 Students Shortlisted in Reliance Communication
  Radharaman Students Selected in Pool Campus - Hoonar Techworks
  Radharamans Students Selected in GR INFRASTRUCTURE
  Radharaman Group of Institutions Holds World Environment Day
  Radharaman Students Made Four Wheel Stairing Car
  Radharamas 11 Students Shortlisted in 6wresearch
  Radharaman National Talent Search Examination - 2014 Declared
  Faculties of RGI awarded for excellence teaching
  National Seminar on Harbal Anti Cancer Drug at Radharaman Group
  Farewell Party at Radharaman College of Pharmacy
  Excellent Result of Radharaman Group Students
  Radharaman Group Of Institutes organised pool campus of VIT Infotech
  Voters awareness programme in RGI
  Excellent Result at Radharaman Group Students
  Campus Recruitment of TRIFID RESEARCH CO
  State Level Cultural Festival " VIHAN - 2014"
  State Level Cultural Festival " VIHAN - 2014"
  VIHAAN 2014 started in RGI
  State Level Cultural Festival " VIHAN - 2014"
  INVITATION FOR VIHAN 2014 Of Radharaman Group of Institutes Bhopal
  15 Students of RGI shortlisted in Concierges Technologies Campus
  Pharma Fest 2014 Concluded in RGI
  Japanese company UNIKAIHATSU
  Radharaman Team in Participate ROBO TROYST of IIT D
  Seminar on Personality Development held in RGI
  Dental Checkup Camp in RGI
  Students of RGI selected in Novu Medicoment
  Seminar on Smart Grid Technology
  Seminar on Financial Literacy held in RGI
  79 students short listed in I-TECH Campus from RGI
  Carvaan 2014 concluded in Radharaman Group of institutes Bhopal
  Carvaan 2013 : Radharaman Group of institutes
  MBA Students interaction with Videocon Legal Manager
  KARVAN-2013 Commence at Radharaman Group Of Institutes
  Karvan Begins in RGI
  Freshers Party in RGI
  Faculty Development Program in RGI
  Management Develpoment Program at RGI
  Excellent result of MBA students of RGI
  Radharaman won the RGI Nodal Cricket Tournament 01 Nov 13 Final Match
  RGI Nodal Cricket Tournament News 31 Oct 2013
  RGI Nodal Cricket Tournament News 30 Oct 13
  RGI Nodal Cricket Tournament News 27,28,29 Oct 2013
  RGI Nodal Cricket Tournament News 26 Oct 13
  RGI Nodal Cricket Tournament News 25 Oct 13
  Cricket Tournament
  National Robotics Competition-workshop Concludes in RGI
  Workshop on enterprenurship
  Induction Program of MBA students
  Football Tournament at RGPV
  Badminton Championship
  Relay Race
  National Conference on Broadband wireless system in RGI
  Programe On HEM RADIOS at Radharaman Group Bhopal
  Excellent Result By Radharaman Group Students
  RGI Students selected in IOT Anwesha
  Seminar on Recent trends in Civil Engg in RGI
  Seminar on Recent trends in Civil Engg in RGI
   National Conference on Broadband Wireless systems & Tech. in RGI
  Faculty Development Program in Radharaman Institute of Technology & Science
  64 Students Selected in EJS Software Campus in RGI
  Excellent results by MBA 3rd sem students of RGI,Bhopal
  Two students of Radharaman Group Selected in Reliance Campus Drive
  Campus by american companies at radharaman group
  Campus Selection by E-Clinical Works at Radharaman Group,Bhopal
  Excellent Results By Students of Radharaman Group Of Institutes
  100% of Radharaman Gorup Engineering Students
  PCI Recognition to second Pharmacy college of Radharaman
  Excellent Results By Students of Radharaman Group
   Radharaman students begs Gold and Silver Medals in 8th onvocation of RGPV
  Radharaman Students selected in HCL
  Radharaman Inter State Dance Competition
  Radharaman Interstate Dance Competition
  PLC and Automation workshop in Radharaman Group of Institute
  Radharaman Students Placed at VAKUMS
  Excellent Result By Radharaman Group Of Institutes,Bhopal
  Principal Of Radharaman College Of Pharmacy,Dr. Papiya Bigoniya Presents Research Paper at Singapore Expo
  National Conference on Renewable Energy Resource
  Network & Security Conference
  National Conference on WWNSI-2013
  Radharaman Group Organisms Seminar on Network Communication
  students visited at Aasra oldage home
  Excellent Result
  Radharaman Students Pratap Kumar achievements
  Seminar by IET at Radharaman Group
  Workshop on Automobile and IC engine design at Radharaman group of institutes.
  45 Students of Radharaman Group of Institutes Shortlisted in GMC Campus.
  Chartbusters Rule Vihaan-2013
  Babers biking stunts at Vihaan-2013.
  Tanya Grower and Ankit Solanki won Miss and Mr. RGI Title at a fashion show organized under Vihan-13 annual function of RGI
  REC winner in Tug of war
  Started Vihan 2013 in Radharaman Group of Institutes.
  Vihan - Annual Function of Radharaman Group of Institutes.
  2-day Design and Development Workshop Fruitful for Radharaman Students. 2
  2-day Design and Development Workshop Fruitful for Radharaman Students. 1
  Radharaman Students placed in Makino India
  Entrepreneurial Development Workshop held at Radharaman Group of Institutes
  Republic Day Celebrations at Radharaman Group of Institutions
  Radharaman Students placed in Integrated wireless solutions
  11 Selected during campus selection at Radharaman Group of Institutions
  'Caarvaan 2012' concludes at Radharaman group of institutions.
  Radharaman Group's 'Caarvaan 2012' brings out hidden telent of mgmt students.
  Radharaman Students Selected in Integrated Wireless.
  MBA Students of Radharaman Group on industrial visit to ISPAT Insdustries
  Seminar on Applications of Nanotechnology held at Radharaman Group of Institutions
  Pharmacy week Concluded at Radharaman Group
  Seminar organized on application of power electronics on power...at Radharaman Institutions.
  'We must follow principles of Lord Ram' Diwali Celebrated.
  National Pharmacy week opened at Radharaman Instt.
  Student of Radharaman Group of Institutions Selected in Persistent Company Campus
  Induction Program of the new student at Radharaman Group of Institution.
  National Pharmacy Quiz Competition at Radharaman
  Saven-day Campus training concludes at Radharaman Group of Institutions
  Workshop on Principal of UV-VIS, FTIR and GC, evokes huge response
  Dr. R.P. Gupta appointed as professor at Radharaman Group of Institutions
  MSME development program at Radharaman
  Pharma Workshop at Radharaman College on sept. 27th
  National Workshop On" RECENT TRENDS IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT" held at Radharaman Group
  seminar begins on energy environment.
  National Workshop on Recent Trends on September 14, 15
  Radharaman Students Honoured teachers
  Seminar Organised on " Recent trends in power system"
  Radharaman Institute to Organise Seminar
  Seminar On Clinical Research
  International Journal Released of Radharaman Group of Institution
  Open Campus at Radharaman Group of Pharmacy on 23rd
  Open Campus of ICICI Bank Held at Radharaman Group of Institute.
  Radha Raman Institute's Sixth Semester exam results declared
  Select 12 Student of CSE And IT of Radharaman Group of Institutions
  PhD Chamber of Commerce and Industries holds Seminar on MSME
  Zeka Technologies & EC Telecom Organised a Closed Campus Drive at Radharaman Group Of Institutes
  Organized Energy Conservation Workshop in Radharaman Group Of Institutions
  10 Students of Radharaman Group of Institution selected open campus of India Mart.
  RGPVV awards two students of Radharaman Group with medal , Certificate
  Radharaman Student Selected in CIMS
  34 students of Radha Raman Group of Institutes selected for HCL Comnet.
  Open Campus Organized at Radharaman
  43 Student of Radharaman Selected in Curix Infotech
  Open Campus drive of Tech Valanse at Radharaman
  Selected 32 Students of Radharaman Group of Institutions in Close & Open Campus
  Shubha Khatri Join Radharaman Group of Institution
  Close Campus in Radharaman Group of Institution
  Excellent 8th sem Result Produced By Radharaman Group Of Institutes,bhopal,MP
  30 Students Selected in Open Campus
  Bluetooth Device News
  Radharaman students placed at Almanac
  Radharaman students trained for setting up new enterprises
  Radharaman Students selected in Vakums infosystems.
  Radharaman student placed at TCS and Congnizant
  Farewell party organised at Radharaman.
  Excellent Result Produced By Radharaman Group Of Institutes,bhopal,MP
  PCI gives permanent affiliation to Radharaman College of pharmacy.
  RITS students show stupendous performance
  Hexaware Technology selects six aspirants from Radharaman institute.
  M.Tech. 1st Semester students score stupendous marks
  Excellent result produced by Radharaman College.
  RITS Gets accreditation from NBA
  Radharaman Students Attend meet in roorkee
  Excellent Result Produced By Radharaman Group Of Institutes,bhopal,MP
  Seminar Organised at Radharaman Group
  Open Campus at Radharaman Group of Institutes.
  Excellent fifth semister marks scored by Radharaman Students
  Girls are more reliable
  Bollywood Fitness Trainer satyajeet to open fitness centre in Bhopal
  Dance performances enthrall one and all
  'Vihan Youth Icon 2012' at Radharaman Group
  Bollywood Fitness Trainer will be at Radharaman
  Radharaman Student awarded with International Red Hat Certificate
  Five students placed in campus drive at Radharaman Institute.
  Industrial Visit at GOA,Bangaluru.
  Radharaman Group out Performs in Semester results
  Students of Radharaman selected in Impetus
  Workshop by MSME Concludes
  Radharaman Group represented Madhya Pradesh in an International seminar
  Three RIRT Students Laouded for a model
  Radharaman Institutes holds seminar on"CAREER IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY"
  Six students from Radharaman Institutes selected by SYNTEL
  Muni Mardav Sagarji hoists flag at Radharaman Group
  Seminar Held for career guidance, multi-tasking skills at RGI
  550 Students take part in HCL's pool campus
  Management week "Caravan-2012" Ends
  Five students selected in cognizant
  Management week Caravan 2012 begins at Radharaman Group of Institute
  Radharaman Group to Start "Karavan 2012"
  Ankit Khabia Selected in Reliance Campus Drive
  ICICI Securities helds campus, 35 shortlisted
  The NSTDB Workshop in Radharaman
  Radharaman Instt Students visit industrial institutions.
  Colorful end of the pharmacy week in Radharaman Group of Institute.
  Lecture on 'Career' Opportunity in clinical Research held1
  Lecture on 'Career' Opportunity in clinical Research held.
  Pharmacy Week held at the Radharaman
  Radharaman launched the National Pharmacy Week 1
  Radharaman launched the National Pharmacy Week
  Radharaman's MBA Students Celebrates BALDIVAS in BALGRAM
  Governor Gives scholarships to 4 students of Radharaman Group of institutes,bhopal,mp
  Different Software JAVA Language & Hardware Manufacturing American Company ORACLE was organized Oracle Certified JAVA Programmer Examination. A total Of 3 Students were Selected by Oracle Certified JAVA Programmer Examination.In RGI)Radharaman Group Of Institutes,bhopal
  Over 200 Students Selected In MU SIGMA Campus Drive in (RGI)Radharaman Group Of Institutes,bhopal
  50 Students Recruited by Muthoot Fincorp
  Radharaman's MBA Students Visited at YASH PAINTS,Govindpura Industrial Area Bhopal
  A total of 50 Students were selected by Glod Loan company Muthoot fincorp at a campus selection process held at the radharaman group of institutes,bhopal
  Beti Bachao Muhim
  Radharaman Student Gets ORACLE CERTIFICATE
  Radharaman Group's Research Journal Released
  Aditi Triphati of RGI Participated in the International Technical Paper Presentation Compitition.
  15 RGI Students Selected in Cybertek
  15 Students Selected in CICON
  Radharaman's BE Student SURABHI DUTTA Selected in INDIAN AIR FORCE
  Management Fundey by Astt. Proff.Atul Lamba
  farewell party organised by Radharaman's MBA Students
  Faculty Development Programe held in Radharaman Group Of Institutes,Bhopal
  Excelent result gave by rgi students
  80 Students Selected in Radharaman's OPEN CAMPUS DRIVE
  Placement Boom In CS & IT Sector
  Radharamans Student Surabhi Dutta Selected in INDIAN AIRFORCE
  Technical Education Director Visits Radharaman Group Of Institutions
  Radharaman's 40 Students Selected in Genpect
  350 Students Shortlisted in Radharaman Group Of Institutes
  Radharaman Group Of Institutes Received the BEST PLACEMENT AWARD 2011 by Madhya Pradesh Government - 2
  Radharaman Group Of Institutes Received the BEST PLACEMENT AWARD 2011 by Madhya Pradesh Government
  Radharaman Inter State Dance Compitition 2011
  Open Campus In Radharaman Group Of Institutes
  Radharamans 10 Student Selected in CYBER TECH : 2
  Radharamans 10 Student Selected in CYBER TECH : 1
  Industrial tour of Radharaman College of pharmacy students-2
  Industrial tour of Radharaman College of pharmacy students-1
  Radharaman's 12 Students Selected in INDIAMART-2
  Radharaman's 12 Students Selected in INDIAMART-1
  Teachers & Students of Radharaman in Khanugaon Bhojtal
  Industrial Tour With Dr. P.K.Lahiri inPlastric Solid West Management unit-2
  Industrial Tour With Dr. P.K.Lahiri inPlastric Solid West Management unit-1
  Freshers & farewell party in Radharaman-2
  Freshers & farewell party in Radharaman
  Chetna Shah gets chancellor award-2
  Chetna Shah gets chancellor award-1
  Engg. Projects that goes Beyond books -2
  Engg. Projects that goes Beyond books
  Bollywod star in radharaman group
  Industrial Tiur With Dr. P.K.Lahiri
  Seminar & Projects 2011 at Radharaman
  Seminar & Projects 2011 at Radharaman
  Seminar & Projects 2011 at Radharaman
  Social Activity :Radharaman Medical Check Up Camp
  Placement In Radharaman Group Of Institutes,Bhopal
  Placement In Radharaman Group Of Institutes,Bhopal
  'Vihan' Sports fest from tomorrow.
  Radharaman in semis
  Radharaman College 'A' in Semifinal.
  Radharaman College in Semifinal.
  Radharaman beat Truba, enter semis.
  Today is Radharaman vs SIStech final match.
  Radharaman SIStech in cricket final.
  Radharaman Group's Inter-College Sports Tournament Vihan begins.
  Hosts Radharaman win cricket, Snooker Ties.
  SIStech, RKDF win cricket matches.
  Vihan Nodal cricket series: SIStech,RKDF college enter next round.
  Radharaman beat Ravishankar College.
  Radharaman team enters next round of Nodal Cricket Tournament.
  Radharaman lift cricket trophy.
  Radharaman 'A' team beat Patel college in Nodal cricket tourney.
  Radharaman College won the title.
  Water filters reduce the budget.
  Radharaman 18 Student Selected in Heidelberg cement
  Radharaman beat truba win title.
  Lecture on cancer prevention.
  Campus Selection held.
  Campus drive held.
  Seminar Held For Faculty Members
  Faculty Development Programme Organised in Radharaman
  Radharaman the teachers learned the nuances of teaching.
  JAL Hai To Kal Hai
  Faculty Development Programme in Radharaman
  Verious Programmes were organised on the eve of Womens Day
  Radharaman Students excel in exam.
  12 Students Selected in Mega Open Campus
  42 Students Selected in Radharaman Open Campus
  Radharaman College win by 97 runs
  Certificates Awarded to 33 Students
  Certificate Distribution Programme
  Campus recruitment
  AMW Organises Open Campus in Radharaman Group Of Institutes,Bhopal
  Business skill development programme.
  Radharaman 20 Student Shortlisted in AMW Campus
  Radharaman College merit list.
  34 Students Selected in Radharaman Open Campus
  Satyesh the deadly bowling
  National Media have it easy.
  Radharaman Group will publish International Science and technology journal.
  Lecture on intellectual property rights
  Students of Radharaman Visited at Govindpura Industrial Area
  Bollywood Renowned Script ,Story & Dialogue writer Kamna Chandra visited at Radharaman Group Of Institutes,Bhopal
  Bollywood Director Tanuja Chandra Visited at Radharaman Group Of Institutes,Bhopal
  48 Students Selected including 12 from Radharaman Group Of Institutes.
  Campus Recruitment Process by ENERCON INDIA
  Enercon India Recruits 48 Students
  Friendely Match in Radharaman Group Of Institutes
  RGI Student Selected By Software company AKSAMITY SOFTWARE
  Annual Fest VIHAAN 2011
  Radharamans 96 Students Selected in Mahendra Satyam
  Organises Health Awarness Camp
  Pharmacy Farewell Party in Radharaman
  Radharaman faculty Astt.Professor Mr. Atul Lumba awarded for best paper presentation
  Are WAH ! Yeh To Magic Hai
  Welcome Delegates from MICROSOFT on 14th May 2010 At RGI CAMPUS
  Campus Placement By ALPHA PHARMA
  Seminar for ENERGY SAVING in Radharaman
  Seminar for ENERGY SAVING in Radharaman
  Campus in RITS
  Final Match in RGPV Cricket Tournament
  RGPV Quarter Final Match
  Quarter Final Match in RGPV tournament
  RGPV state level tournament
  RGPV State Level Criket Tournament
  Arc Tech Systems Campus
  RITS State Level Cricket
  RGPV PreState Level Cricket
  RITS Defeated Bhabha
  RITS Victory Over Globus
  RITS Campus
  Campus Selected
  Campus Recruitment
  T20 match
  Campus for 2007 Batch
  Job Fair
  RGPV Cricket
  Mega Campus In RITS
  Jontior America
  Chetan Bhagat
  Campus Recruitment
  Advanced Technology of IET
  Chetan Bhagat
  Sunil Mishra Got 5.25 Lacs Package
  Scindia Memorial T20 Match
  Delco Mega Recruitment Camp
  Governer Visited RITS
  Malaysiya Selected
  GMR Banglore Campus
  RGPV State Level Criket Tournament
  Genpact Campus
  Vihan In RITS
  Surya Roshni Campus
   RITS Students Get Job In Malaysiya
  Jakhar Congratulates RITS Students
  Infobeans Systems Selected 13 students
  Radharaman Signs Mou with IBM
  Chetan Bhagat Interacts with Students
  RGI Inks MOU with Hewlett Packard
  Best Engineering Institute Award By CM
  Ashok Leyland Shortlists Six Students
  Sapient Campus
  Student's Industrial Visit
  Table Tennis Championship

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